



From the good, the bad, and everything in between, LOLO (a.k.a Lo Loestrin Fe) is here to empower women to live their sex lives to its fullest—after all, Ladies Only Live Once.


Pitch set-up video

When two models didn't show up on set, Erene and I subbed in to talk about sex lives with Cindy Gallop.

The crew and the rest of our team got to know us really well that day. 




Bold wild postings will be placed in high-traffic areas in key cities to build brand awareness and drive traffic to digital content.



To position the brand as a trusted partner and resource, LOLO will answer the top 10 most Googled sex related questions and debunk contraception myths on their Instagram account. 

LoLodown on lolo snapchat series

On Snapchat's Discover section, LOLO will host an interactive mini-series.

During the show, our hosts will answer user-generated questions, react to live polls, and share their sexual misadventures that were made possible thanks to “the pill.”

Not Pregnant Parties

Once a month, LOLO will host a series of Not Pregnant Parties where ladies interested in "the pill" can enjoy some of the perks of not being pregnant.

Party themes will range from boozy brunches and sushi tastings to amusement park meetups and coffee dates.

During these events, ladies can talk to doctors and sexperts about the benefits of taking LOLO vs. other forms of contraception. 

LOLO Ladies' Room
Condom Machine

Placed on college campuses and in nearby bars, girls can get free condoms from LOLO vending machines, so they're prepared for whatever their night has in store.

Each branded condom will drive to the brand website, where ladies can learn about benefits of taking LOLO and how to get a prescription.

Popping "The Pill" holder

With their first prescription, LOLO ladies will be given a branded, brightly colored, pill holder.

By encouraging women to flaunt the fact they're on birth control, LOLO will help destigmatize taking contraception in public.